miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2021

WHAT'S WELL MAYBE ABOUT? (Well Maybe English)

Well Maybe is a cultural project for you to know about us. There are many things that we are interested about, we will talk about our books, celebrations, food, and favorite sports teams. Singers and actors, movies, TV showa and favorite countries.

We invite you to join us in this experience. Join us to discover the world. Come and know everything that we are passionate about. Because life is beautiful and we enjoy every day the wonders that are found in it.

The beauty of the world is in the blue sky!

In the brushstrokes of the mountains!

In the smile of a child!

In the emerald trees!

In the lyrics of a poem!

In the most beautiful dream!

In love!

In God, who with the brush of his fingers drew this world with affection!

Earth may not seem very interesting. But for us it is different. It is our home. This is us. All the people you have ever loved, known, ever heard of, all the human beings that have ever existed, they have lived in it. All our joys and our beliefs.

Every hunter and gatherer, every hero, every inventor and every artist. Every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, every hopeful child, every explorer in the history of our species has lived here.

We have a responsibility to treat each other as kindly and compassionately as possible, and to preserve and love this place, the only home we have ever known.

All that is Well Maybe. This is what we believe in. Join us to enjoy the world from our perspective.

Please support our work on Patreon


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